UNI-Prep's Customer Complaints Policy


UNI-Prep Institute (“UNI-Prep”) is committed to offering exceptional value and service to all its clients and students.

Students have two attempts for all UNI-Prep assessments, including quizzes, written assessments, exams, oral assessments, and any other assessments included in courses. If ever an assessment only allows one attempt, students will be informed in advance.

In general, the passing grade for individual assessments is 50% or higher. The passing score for a course is an overall of 50% or higher for any assessments for which a percentile grade is awarded. Whenever multiple attempts are allowed for an assessment, the highest grade is taken into consideration for purposes of determining the final grade.

Some assessments are graded on a pass/fail basis with the requirement that certain parameters need to be met in order to pass the course. Students may request details on the parameters required to pass a specific assessment. Wherever possible, UNI-Prep will provide the parameters required to pass for assessments, along with a sample passing assessment. If a student does not pass a pass/fail assessment, they will be notified within writing and will be told specifically what improvements are necessary in order pass the course. They will have the opportunity to improve upon and resubmit the assessment to be marked again.

Students that disagree with the grading of any assessment may appeal within 30 days of receiving their grade for a specific assessment. They may appeal by sending an e-mail to info@uni-prep.com with the subject: APPEAL – COURSE NAME. Students should indicate their full name, mailing address, and registered course. They should also describe specifically which assessment grading they wish to appeal and should describe in detail the reasons for the appeal. UNI-Prep will review all appeals within 30 days and will provide written responses to all appeals. Wherever possible, a secondary staff member will review the grading to ensure fair and accurate grading and this will be taken into consideration within the decision of the appeal. The decision rendered by UNI-Prep following an appeal is final and cannot be appealed again.

We work hard to assist all our students to successfully pass and complete all courses and understand that life situations may sometimes prevent us from doing our best work. We encourage students to appeal any decision they disagree with and we will work hard to investigate and be understanding toward the circumstances of students.

Please contact us at info@uni-prep.com should you have any questions regarding our Appeals Policy.

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